Oak extracts – Drajauryl & Quercyl range

Oak extract Drajauryl & Quercyl : oak wood at the service of spritis

Quercyl offers a complete range oak extracts, specifically formulated for use on any types of spirits : Rum, Whisky, Vodka, Tequila, liquors, all types of brandies… 

At the early stage of the manufacturing process, we select the best botanical sources : Quercus Robur, Quercus Alba, and use only the most noble part (oak heartwood).

Our traditionnal methods for drying, washing and maturing the staves are identical to those used by cooperages. Our patented extraction processes reveal the organoleptic compounds contained in the oak, ensuring maximum efficiency and excellent results.

The Drajauryl and Quercyl range allow you to take actions in a controlled and optimal way at each stage of your alcohol development.

The active ingredients naturally present on our oenological tannins, will trigger chemical, biological and organoleptic reactions, which allow winemakers to work, in a controlled way on : color, taste, and structure.

Create an environment rich in ellagic tannins in used barrels, similar to that of new barrels.

Facilitates the gustatory development of spirits and helps elaborating more elegant alcohols.
Develops aromas specific to oak depending on its botanical origin and type of toasting.
Strengthens the color and structure of brandies.
Accelerates aging
Our oak extracts
Drajauryl A

Natural extract of toasted French oak heartwood, intended for the vinification and ageing of spirits and brandies.

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Drajauryl B

Natural extract of toasted American oak heartwood, intended for the vinification and aging of spirits and eaux de vie.

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Drajauryl C

Specific formulation of natural “tradition” oak extracts, intended for the aging and vinification of high-end spirits.

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Drajauryl D

Specific formulation "équilibre"of natural oak extracts, intended for the aging and vinification of mid-range spirits.

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Natural extract of French oak heartwood intented for the vinification, aging of spirits and brandies.

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